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What is a Telematics-based car insurance plan and how does it work?

You might have read about it in the news recently; a relatively new form of motoring technology can make your car insurance plan premiums cheaper. Telematics driving insurance plans have been in Dubai for a few years and has offered up to 35% discounts on insurance costs as a way of rewarding good behaviour. How …

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Comparing car insurance: 5 tips to get you started

Insurance jargon can be very confusing, and sometimes can even seem like a foreign language. This can make the prospect of comparing car insurance daunting for those who are not as well versed in the realm of car insurance. Fortunately, our team of experts at Johnedwardkelly Dubai are here to help with this handy mini-guide …

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Notice: We have updated our Privacy Policy

The European Union’s latest data privacy law becomes enforceable on May 25. This regulation has far reaching requirements that has resulted in many companies updating and clarifying their privacy policies, Johnedwardkelly Dubai included. In this article we take a look at the new regulation, the impact it has on those in Dubai, what our updated …

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